Dr Bruno, Frontier mine’s medical and health manager
Dr Bruno Nguz, Frontier mine’s medical and health manager, knew from an early age that he wanted to pursue a career in medicine. As a child, growing up in the Katanga Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), he was gravely ill but was successfully treated by a visiting military doctor who brought him back to health. From then, medicine became his passion.
Dr Bruno (as he is referred to by his colleagues) obtained a medical degree at the University of Lubumbashi, before heading to various academic hospitals for hands-on experience before entering the mining sector in 2009. Dr Bruno started working for ERG Africa’s Frontier mine in 2011, establishing a 24/7 onsite clinic to serve both employees and their families. A decade in the making, the facility today ensures that free, quality healthcare is readily available.

Members of Frontier mine’s medical team
Today, at the Frontier clinic, employees and their families (wives, children, parents, and parents-in-law) benefit from antigenic and PCR COVID-19 testing, pathology, radiology and occupational health services, basic dentistry, and emergency trauma care.
Dr Bruno strongly believes in ERG Africa’s vision which places the health and well-being of its employees and their loved ones front and centre. Says Dr Bruno, “Ensuring that our services, equipment and testing are in line with international and national standards is imperative in offering high-quality care at our clinic.”
The clinic, which treats 50 patients a day on average, also offers hospital wards with on-call doctors and other medical staff. Two fully equipped ambulances are available for emergency response situations and to transport patients to other medical facilities for additional treatment when required.